The Functions of the Event Organizer


Event management is very important in any function. From a party coordinator to a person specialized in public relations. This is the spectacular leap achieved by the profile of the event organizer. It is, thus, a professional who is not only responsible for organizing individual events. Companies and organizations of any kind entrust the organizers of events with the planning and management of each corporate, charitable or festive event.

In the past the organization of events was in the mind of the public as something despicable and frivolous. Even so, at present, this situation has taken a 360º turn and the event’s organizer has become a figure with the professional importance it deserves.

Taking into account that it is a specialized and expert professional, we will review its main functions. In addition, we will take a look at the skills that must be had to be a professional in this field. You follow us?

Event’s organizer functions

The tasks of this professional in the field of advertising and public relations and communication have to do with the “before”, the “during” and even the “after” of the corporate events.

Event planning

The first step of your work is design. Taking into account all the options, you must assess which will be the best location, decoration and food. It is also responsible for selecting the suppliers and services that will be subcontracted, as well as the profiles of employees and actors that will be present at the event. During this first task, the organizer will also work on the list of guests, VIPs or speakers.

In parallel, the organization of the specific time is also taken into account. At this point the days before the event are analyzed. In this way, you can have a very detailed control over the contingencies that may surprise during the event.

Meticulous communication plan

Knowing that it is a profile included in advertising and communication, the event itself must have a detailed communication plan. Therefore, the second task of the event organizer is to design this plan. Among other points, this document should foresee how the event will be publicized, how the most important attendees will be informed and which means will be echoed by it.

On the other hand if the event that is being organized requires it, the event organizer will also be in charge of commercial management. That is, contact and reach agreements with the necessary sponsors and sponsors. As a small summary of this point we could say that a good event organizer is a good communicator. And it handles both external and internal communication.