Engagement 101: Christmas Holiday Engagement Proposal Ideas and Tips


If you’re thinking of proposing during the holiday season, you should have your preferred engagement ornaments ready. Knowing which one to have when it’s time to pop the question is going to make the experience that much more memorable and exciting. Below are some ideas and tips that you can keep in mind if you are in need of engagement proposal plans for Christmas.

Know When And Where

Although most romantic movies make it seem like it’s a good idea to just pop the question at the spur of the moment, that isn’t always a good idea. Although people love romantic proposals, there is a time and a place for everything. You have to make sure that you aren’t going on your knee in an area where there’s heavy foot traffic. Sure, some people may find what you’re doing to be commendable, but there will be a lot of people bothered by the distraction and probably hold up due to crowding that you’re causing.

The last thing that you want to happen when you pop the question is for a loud voice in the background saying “get on with it”. That will really take the wind out of your sail and can ruin an otherwise fantastic moment.

Surprise Them At Home

With the right engagement ornaments, you can be sneaky with how you pop the question. Blending the ornaments with the traditional Christmas ornaments is a great idea if you want to be able to surprise your partner with your proposal. In fact, you can start the excitement by leaving hints all over the decorations which may point towards you proposing. Don’t leave anything too concrete though because that might ruin the surprise.

Get The Families Involved

During the holiday season, families are going to be together. This makes it easy for you to involve both families for the proposal. This will make the experience a whole lot better because you get to share it with both families. You also have to remember that families are more accessible during the holiday season because it is common for a person to think of family when you hear those holiday songs already playing.

When you get the families involved, you are also able to get suggestions that you otherwise may never have thought of in the first place. Besides, you can choose a designated family photographer to capture all of the moments as they happen. Who wouldn’t want that?

What’s Wrapped Inside?

During Christmas, it is common practice to leave a gift under the tree. What if you leave the ultimate gift under the tree for your significant other to open? On Christmas morning, distract them by blending your engagement ornaments with your traditional Christmas ornaments. When they start to wonder what’s going on, present them with a gift that seems like any other Christmas gift that you would’ve given them in the past. Watch how they react as they find a cushion with a ring inside of the gift box.

If you are looking for engagement ornaments to make this holiday doubly memorable, head to Ornaments With Love and check out the best options to help you remember one of the most important moments of your life.