Role of testosterone in development of body


Testosterone hormone is produced by male testes. It is also manufactured in small quantity by male’s ovaries and small amount by adrenal gland of both women and men. Master gland controls the production of testosterone hormone in human body. Pituitary gland is called master gland because it controls secretions of many hormones, their production and function in the body. Testosterone hormone plays main role to show male characteristics like facial hair, sex drive, deeper voice, growth of body and capability to maintain an erection. Testosterone is specially produced in the Leydig cells which are also the main source of androgens in men’s body. The Leydig cells maintain male reproductive works through the creation of testosterone. Adult Leydig cells are more able to produce testosterone by itself. You can find more detailed information regarding testosterone in articles on

It is needed to understand for athletes and bodybuilders that hormone levels of the body may be disrupted while the body is more able to produce hormone its own and person inject exogenous testosterone. According to the, article on this type of disruption is able to stimulate the pituitary gland to give command to the testes to cease manufacturing of endogenous testosterone. It is very important to carefully balance hormone and their functions. Every hormone has powerful and strong effect on the work of major body organs. They can effect on development and growth, reproduction and sexual characteristics. Testosterone hormone can impact on levels of glucose and salt, and the method the body stores liquid. Small quantity of hormone secretion can give great response in the body. Testosterone can also impact other organs of the body and their functions.

Athletes and bodybuilders take exogenous testosterone steroids. They have to be aware of its side effects. Some common side effects are excessive growth of connective tissues, bone structure, muscle or acromegaly. If testosterone combines with high level of growth hormone can increase the coarse facial feature, swelling of the feet & hand and overgrowth of the jawbone. Pitutary gland controls the level of testosterone. Whenever testosterone hormone level becomes low the pituitary gland becomes active and releases GnRH or hormone-releasing hormone which commands the testes to manufacture more testosterone hormone. Level of this hormone in men depends on age, genetics and health. The time of adolescence level of hormone rises and its level is low before puberty. Level of testosterone hormone is the highest when a person’s age becomes 40 years. After the age of 40 the level of testosterone hormone decline.

If testosterone is taken for non medical reasons like bigger muscles, enhanced strength or bodybuilding, be careful about the averages because testosterone level is based on age. If person has low level of testosterone, he may experience some common symptoms such as Impotence, Infertility, Inability to achieve an erection, reduced sex drive, increased body fat, decrease in bone density and decreased muscle mass. With all physical effects, a person who has low level of hormone may also experiences mental, psychological and emotional changes. He does not take interest in enjoyable activities, lack of self-esteem and lack of motivation. In addition to the physical side effects, a man with low testosterone levels may also experience psychological, mental, and emotional changes including a lack of interest in formerly enjoyable activities, a lack of motivation, a decline in self-confidence and/or self-esteem. Then it is recommended must go to the doctor and take advice.