Tips on the best outdoor wedding caterers

outdoor wedding caterers

Planning for an Outdoor wedding catering? We understand it brings in a completely new set of challenges when compared to an indoor catering. But we accept the challenge. You just need to be prepared for the unpredictable climate change, and the rest assured that you have found the best catering services.

Getting familiar with the outdoor space well in advance

Make sure to visit the location well in advance to make sure your plan for the outdoor catering setup works well – for you and your guest who would gather for your big day. Understanding the venue layout helps the caterers to make sure what equipment to bring along and be stored at an out of sight of the guests, how far the servers have to carry the dishes from the preparation location. Visiting the wedding venue before the event helps you decide if the space is large enough to accommodate your guest. Contact the location representative for the site plan and ask about the smallest details that you may have about the terrain, electrical slot placement, lightings and every other detail that could influence the wedding event or the guest gathering.

Your wedding catering under the worst weather outside – prediction and precautions

Any time of the year could be worst for the event to be disturbed by the unpredictable weather condition by Mother Nature. But when the best prepared you are – everything else will fall in place.

Make sure to have a backup location for your wedding ceremony in case the inclement weather strikes in. The reception caterers should also have a plan B for their work to be completed, if not the pre-identified location.

Outdoor wedding venues should also offer an alternative location for conducting the ceremony and reception such as a tent, in case of the bad weather retracting your original outdoor wedding catering plan.

Menu planning to suit the outdoor condition

When you have found the best wedding caterers, make sure to have a thorough discussion of the menu items and how the outdoor conditions would affect the guest to taste them. Several factors influence the outdoor catering decision – such as space available to accommodate the crowd gathered, portable food option, crowded eating areas, and more. Ensure to have the meal planned accordingly to make your guest comfortable in the open zone.

Restriction zone and obtaining the essential permit

There could zoning restrictions in each geographical area that is defined as the commercial and residential areas to be used for conducting event which might be. Make sure to clarify any legal policies on the restriction of the event in a particular area. And in most of the cases, permits should be reserved from the health department and fire marshals to have the event set up in each zone. So while planning the outdoor wedding event, ensure to have approved permits and avoid the unpredicted legal notices or fines.

At Hassle Free, we have catered several wedding, in various locations that range from resorts to remote corners – indoor and outdoor. We are well-equipped to ensure a hassle-free event for our clients – and be assured that you have found the best wedding caterers for your big day event. Contact us for letting us help you with your ideal outdoor wedding catering experience you will admire throughout your lifetime.