So Many Types of Cordless Headphones Nowadays! What Do I Need to Know


Everywhere you look these days, you see people with headphones in their ears and in such a wide range of types and designs. There’s never been any time in the past when so many people were walking around in their daily lives and listening to something which wasn’t happening around of them!

There’s music, phone conversations, talks, lectures and other things which people are listening in to as they go about their daily business. The obvious most modern types of headphones are the wireless type, which are beneficial in so many ways as there’s no cables hanging down from one’s ears, and all you have to do is pop them into the ears and away you go! But what are they all about and how do they actually work? Check out the jbl Singapore official website, for more info.

This is the Modern World

Cordless headphones cover one of the many modern type of technologies that have done away with the standard wire that traditionally connects the headset to the audio source.

  • All wireless headphones make use of a transmitter and a built-in headphone receiver to receive and send audio signals wirelessly.

The three technologies used are

  • Radio frequency (RF) waves
  • Infrared (IR) light waves
  • Bluetooth technology.

Let’s Check Out All of Them


  • A pair of RF wireless headphones is able to receive a signal from the headphone’s transmitter from up to about 100 metres away.
  • The transmitter has to be attached to the audio-out ports of the source, which is usually a television or home entertainment system.
  • Radio waves are able to go around objects and through any walls and ceilings, which makes this type of headphones ideal for making use of in a home or at the office.


Using a different kind of technology, IR wireless headphones use an alternative kind of technology and instead of broadcasting radio waves, the IR transmitter uses what are known as “light-emitting diodes” (LEDs) to shoot off a beam of infrared light, just like how remote controls work.

  • Such headphones must be able to have a clear line of sight to the transmitter, without any obstructions like furnishings or anybody passing in between the transmitter and receiver.

Because of the fact that walls can block light waves, the IR signal doesn’t never departs from a room, which makes IR cordless headphones the perfect choice for anyone who prefers compartmentalised listening.


Everyone knows the name Bluetooth, but what is it all about? Bluetooth wireless headphones are yet one more modern piece of technology.

  • These are commonly made to be used with people’s mobile personal electronics.

A number of applications include things like:

  • Hands-free cell phone usage
  • MP3 players
  • Personal digital assistants (PDAs)

Also, Bluetooth technology can create something called a “Personal Area Network” (PAN), which pairs devices all together in a personal network.

With such a choice, there has to be one perfect for anybody!